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Syngonium podophyllum

Arrowhead vine

Nonnative to FloridaFISC Category 1

Species Overview

Likely introduced to Florida by the horticulture industry, arrowhead vine (Syngonium podophyllum) is commonly sold as a houseplant throughout the US. Although not extremely cold hardy, it can tolerate mild freezing temperatures typical of Florida. It is not currently on Federal or Florida State noxious weed lists but has been screened by the UF/IFAS Assessment beginning in 2006 and was determined to be an invasive threat. It is also classified as a category I species by the Florida Invasive Species Council. The first vouchered specimen collected from a natural area in Florida occurred in 1966 from Brevard County. Arrowhead vine easily escapes cultivation when gardens are neglected, or plant material is discarded into susceptible natural areas.  Its growth habit and invasion characteristics resemble that of golden pothos or English ivy.  

Species Characteristics

Family: Araceae 

Habit: Thick, fleshy-stemmed perennial vine that can reach 10- meters in height or densely cover the ground.  

Leaves: Juvenile leaves are alternate, entire, and arrowhead shaped (sagittate) growing 4 to 8 inches long while leaves of mature plants are compound with 3 to 12 leaflets and extending 8 to 12 inches long; the largest leaflets are located closest to the center while smaller leaflets are on the outside. The color is widely varied with some leaves having showy white and green variegation. The tops of the leaves are a darker green than the lighter underside.  

Flowers: The plant possesses a spadix and spathe inflorescence typical of arums growing in clusters of 5 to 8. These appear on the climbing vines of mature plants. Buds may be green to red but turn white as the flower matures in summer.  

Fruit: Berries with few to many seeds. Seeds may lose viability rapidly if not kept moist.  

Distribution: Found mostly in Central and South Florida but vouchered specimens have been collected in several Panhandle counties (Escambia and Leon). Continued northward spread is likely.  


The heaviness of the plant matter growing on trees can weigh down branches and increase the risk of whole trees toppling over in high wind conditions. The prolific groundcover of an invasion can smother native plant emergence and has been shown in one study to suppress native fern growth in South Florida (Possley 2004). Dense root systems make elimination difficult when an area has been inundated. Arrowhead vine thrives well in light to deep shade preferring soil that is fertile, acidic, and high in organic matter. The species is particularly successful in forested wetlands where it can tolerate seasonal flooding.  

Control Methods

Preventive Measures

The simplest prevention strategy is to avoid discarding unwanted houseplants or cuttings into the environment. Arrowhead vine sprouts easily from cuttings and has spread mainly by escaping cultivation. UF/IFAS does not recommend planting arrowhead vine in Florida.  


Hand pull vines and remove them from the site or destroy. Place in plastic bags until decomposed. Use care when pulling as arrowhead vine breaks easily and contains a sap that irritates skin, mouth, and eyes. Use gloves and wear long sleeves.  


The use of a string trimmer is NOT recommended due to the toxic sap released when leaves and stems are cut. Mowing is rarely an option where arrowhead vine is invasive.  


There are no biological controls currently available for arrowhead vine. 


Climbing vines and aerial roots may be controlled by cutting and dipping the cut stem surface of all of the climbing growth in a 50% glyphosate herbicide solution for two to five seconds. For homeowners, glyphosate (e.g. Roundup) may be applied at 5% to the foliage. Triclopyr products from retail garden stores generally require multiple foliar treatments to be effective. Foliar treatments of a 3% Garlon 4 solution or metsulfuron (Escort) applied at 2 oz per acre is effective. Escort possesses some soil activity that may cause injury to non-target plants. 

Learn more about this species

AskIFAS Wildland Weeds: Arrowhead vine (Syngonium podophyllum)

EDDMapS American Evergreen (Syngonium podophyllum)

UF/IFAS Assessment of Non-Native Plants 

UF/IFAS Fact Sheet (1999)

USF Atlas of Florida Plants

This profile was curated by Patrick Belk and Dr. Stephen Enloe.